Welcome to your "Are You at an Increased Risk for Colon Cancer?" Quiz!
Every question highlights a different potential symptom of colon cancer.
If you select "Yes" to any question, it is recommended you schedule a colon cancer test with BeScreened right away!
Do you feel that your bowel doesn’t ever feel “completely empty?”
Have you had persistent abdominal discomfort?
Do you have a personal history of colorectal cancer or polyps?
Have you felt particularly tired or fatigued recently?
Do you enjoy a low fiber, high fat diet?
Have you ever now or in the past experienced intestinal conditions?
Do you drink alcohol excessively?
Have you had radiation therapy for cancer?
Have you experienced any unexplained weight loss?
Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
Are you over the age of 45?
Have you noticed a persistent change in your bathroom habits?
Have you experienced any rectal bleeding?
Do you have a family history of colon cancer?
Have you experienced symptoms of anemia lately?
Have you had an increase in flatulence?
Have you experienced consistent constipation?