Why is there Blood In My Poop?
Looking down in the toilet bowl and seeing blood may be a shock. Just the sight of it can be enough to make a person panic.
But fear not! In this article, we’ll investigate the causes, warning signs, and other important information concerning blood in your poop so you can be informed if it ever happens to you.
So, without further adieu, let’s jump in and get to the core of what you need to know if you ever observe blood in your poop.
Quick Insight
Various factors, such as hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel diseases, infections, and colon cancer, can cause blood in poop. It is important to seek medical advice for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
If you suspect colorectal cancer or want to be safe, taking a diagnostic test may be beneficial.
BeScreened offers a blood-based diagnostic test that can accurately detect cancer and may be covered by your insurance.
What is the Blood in Poop?
Blood in poop, or hematochezia, is a condition in which a person experiences visible red streaks or clots of blood in their bowel movements. Some causes of this include hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcers, or IBD (inflammatory bowel disease).
In more severe cases, bloody poop may result from colorectal cancer. It is vital to seek medical attention if any rectal bleeding is observed to ensure the proper diagnosis and treatment.
The amount of blood in the poop can vary. It may be small streaks of blood, but in other cases, the blood may be mixed in with the poop and is impossible to detect without testing.
In some cases, enough blood may be present for it to be easily visible. Additionally, the amount of blood present may cause the poop to become dark and tar-like in color.
It is important to note that not all cases of blood in poop indicate serious underlying health problems; however, when accompanied by abdominal pain or changes in bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea, it can mean a more serious digestive disorder or disease.
When considering what to do about the blood in your poop, it is better to be safe than sorry. BeScreened offers an easy-to-use blood-based colon cancer screening test kit that can give you the reassurance to rule out the worst-case scenario.
Small traces of fresh-looking red blood mixed into one’s poop can indicate small tears from straining due to constipation or minor irritations such as hemorrhoids. Large amounts of bright red or dark black blood could signify more serious issues, such as inflammatory bowel disease or colon cancer.
It is essential for anyone experiencing any level of rectal bleeding to take a diagnostic colorectal test and seek medical attention as soon as possible to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.
To better understand this issue and the treatment options available, it is essential to explore the symptoms associated with the blood in the poop of adults. The following section will discuss these symptoms further to understand what you should look out for when dealing with blood in their poop.
Symptoms To Watch Out for When You Discover Blood in Your Poop
When it comes to blood in the poop of adults, the first and most common symptom is rectal bleeding. The rectum is a muscular tube that connects the anus to the colon.
This can manifest as anything from bright red blood to dark or black-colored poops. Generally, any indication of blood which appears on top of poop or mixed with it should be monitored closely, as this can point toward potential underlying conditions.
Some people may experience more than just rectal bleeding when it comes to this issue. For example, other symptoms may include abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
Some causes of bleeding, such as internal hemorrhoids, may not be visible from the outside and could require further testing procedures to determine a diagnosis.
Additionally, people may experience urgency with bowel movements or changes in their bathroom habits if they have an underlying digestive disorder.
Regardless of these symptoms, it is essential to note that rectal bleeding alone can be a sign of something more severe than a digestive disorder and should always be evaluated by a medical professional.
There is no single cause for rectal bleeding, and it could point toward anything from anal fissure to colorectal cancer. Therefore, early detection is essential for determining the cause of blood in poop in adults and ensuring appropriate care is taken for any underlying health concerns.
With tests like BeScreeneds colorectal screening kit, early colon cancer detection can be as easy as a blood draw. It is recommended that men and women over the age of 45 get a colorectal screening test at least once a year. Early detection is essential and gives the greatest chance for recovery when diagnosed with colon cancer.
Fortunately, noticing signs of rectal bleeding is often not too difficult, thanks to its distinct coloration and appearance on the outside of the poop itself.
In the next section, we will discuss how to recognize and take action upon noticing signs of rectal bleeding.
Noticing Signs of Rectal Bleeding
Rectal bleeding is a common signal associated with various health issues, from anal fissures to severe conditions like colon cancer. Noticing signs of rectal bleeding is the first step in determining the underlying cause and seeking treatment. Common symptoms include bright red blood on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement and red or dark-colored poops.
It is important to recognize potential signs of rectal bleeding early for two reasons: 1) to seek treatment more quickly and 2) to prevent further damage to the rectum and colon.
If caught early, many conditions such as hemorrhoids, Crohn’s disease, and Ulcerative Colitis have a better prognosis with fewer complications down the line.
Conversely, ignoring or dismissing symptoms as insignificant can lead to long-term health issues and make treating the condition more difficult.
However, it is essential to note that not all instances of rectal bleeding are related to severe conditions; it may be caused by something as simple as a change in diet or lifestyle.
Therefore, it is best to pay attention when noticing signs of rectal bleeding so that medical attention can be sought if necessary.
Detection and diagnosis of potential issues will bring about opportunities for timely treatment before more severe complications arise.
The following section will discuss the diagnosis and treatment of blood in poop based on the individual’s case.
Diagnosis and Treatment for Blood in Poop
When it comes to diagnosing and treating the presence of blood in poop, a healthcare provider might take several different approaches. Depending on the underlying cause, blood in poop can be managed with lifestyle changes and dietary modifications, medications, or surgical procedures.
Lifestyle Changes and Dietary Modifications: If the presence of blood in poop is due to minor GI tract inflammation, it can often be managed with lifestyle and dietary adjustments.
This could include eating soft or low-fiber foods, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol and smoking, as well as taking dietary supplements such as fiber to help strengthen the digestive system.
Medication: If dietary modification alone is not enough to reduce abdominal pain, bleeding, or chronic constipation associated with blood in poop, medications may be necessary.
Anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin can help reduce inflammation in the GI tract. Other medications might also be prescribed to control conditions such as IBS or Crohn’s disease. These can include anti-diarrheal drugs, steroids, immunosuppressants, and antibiotics.
Surgery: In some cases where no other treatment methods have been successful, surgery may be recommended by a doctor to remove any foreign growths or repair any visible damage from within the GI tract.
Surgery may also be necessary if there is a buildup of abnormal tissue within the digestive tract that needs to be removed. Both sides have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to treating blood in the poop of adults.
While adopting specific lifestyle changes and making dietary modifications can reduce symptoms without medication or invasive surgery, these methods are improved upon when combined with medical intervention as they provide more immediate relief quicker than through lifestyle changes alone.
Medications may provide temporary relief but fail to address underlying conditions, while surgery provides more definitive results with one procedure but runs higher risks of complications. Ultimately, an individual needs to speak with their doctor to determine which route suits their needs best.
The following section will further explore testing and exams for blood in the poop of adults to better understand these various methods for diagnosis and treatment.
Tests and Exams for Blood for in Poop
When suspecting the presence of blood in the poop, healthcare professionals may suggest conducting several tests and exams to find the source of bleeding.
It is important for patients to understand their medical options before undergoing any testing or exams.
It is typically suggested that individuals begin with a physical exam from a doctor. This generally involves discussing past medical and family history, as well as any other current symptoms observed by the patient.
A physician usually orders the following tests after a physical examination:
Blood tests: Checking for anemia or other blood disorders like deficiencies in Vitamin B12 and Folate can be done through a blood test. This test will also allow the doctor to assess how much lost blood there is in the body due to intestinal bleeding.
Your doctor also may order a BeScreeend colorectal test. This test is a blood-based test that can identify cancer in the early to late stages.
If you are opposed to colonoscopies or handling your feces for a fecal test, this test could be right for you. It is also important to note that this test can be taken once per year vs. fecal tests, which can only be taken every three years.
Stool sample: The purpose of examining a stool sample is twofold: First, it helps to establish the cause of abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation; second, it identifies the presence of any parasites, bacteria, undigested food particles, or hidden (occult) blood from gastrointestinal bleeding.
Flexible sigmoidoscopy: The flexible sigmoidoscope (a thinner version of the colonoscope) is used to examine the lower part of your gut for signs of infection or inflammation when needing to check specifically for lower GI tract bleeds.
A small camera attached to the end allows your doctor to identify and remove polyps if they are found while peering inside. A tissue biopsy is often taken during this procedure if ulcers or masses are noticed upon inspection.
Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy is typically requested when there appears to be acute GI bleeding in the intestine or rectum area. During this procedure, a thin tube (colonoscope) is inserted into the rectum, which houses an internal camera allowing doctors to see all surfaces of the large intestine on-screen during the inspection.
Again, if polyps or masses are suspected, tissue samples can be removed for further examination if necessary by your healthcare practitioner.
Upper endoscopy: An upper endoscopy (also called an esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD) looks into your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (top-most area of the small intestine). It’s primarily done if suspected bleeding arises from these regions based on initial testing results and observation from prior examinations.
Seeking medical advice from experts at once provides an optimal chance of accurately diagnosing or ruling out potential issues with intestinal bleeding.
Ultimately, being mindful of one’s health gives patients more insight into how they can improve their well-being through proper lifestyle adjustments with diet, exercise, supplements, and medications where deemed necessary.
Next, we’ll look into potential causes of blood in poop, including but not limited to ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, etc.
Potential Causes of Blood in Poop
Blood in the poop can be caused by various factors, ranging from harmless to severe. Common causes include hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which typically occur due to constipation or straining during bowel movements.
Certain foods and medications may also cause blood in poop; for example, intake of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has been linked to blood in poop. Other potential causes include inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, infectious gastroenteritis, celiac disease, and chronic liver diseases.
In some cases, a colonoscopy is recommended to evaluate further and diagnose the cause of any rectal bleeding present. Colon cancer is also a potential cause of rectal bleeding; however, it is less common than benign causes such as hemorrhoids or IBD.
Nevertheless, any decrease or persisting change in bowel habits should be reported to a healthcare professional, who can order tests to investigate the source and severity of any blood in the poop.
The debate on whether environmental and lifestyle factors may contribute to the development of blood in poop remains largely inconclusive.
Nonetheless, any individual at risk for acquiring gastrointestinal conditions may benefit from taking preventive measures such as drinking plenty of water and engaging in regular physical activity.
Identifying individuals at risk for developing gastrointestinal disorders or complications is essential in predicting the likelihood that blood in poop will occur. The following section will explore commonly accepted risk factors associated with rectal bleeding caused by various medical conditions.
Common Risk Factors
Common risk factors of blood in poop in adults include inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis; hemorrhoids; anal fissures; polyps, which are growths that can occur on the lining of the colon or rectum; and cancer.
Some individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer may be at an increased risk. The use of medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, anticoagulants, and aspirin can also increase the risk of developing bloody poops.
It is important to note that just because some of these conditions are common risk factors for blood in poop does not mean everyone with them will experience them.
Similarly, only some people who experience bloody poop will have one of these conditions, as more minor causes can trigger the condition.
Treatment for bloody poops depends on the underlying cause and how severe it is. The following section will discuss treatment options for individuals experiencing blood in their poops.
Treatment for Blood in Poop
When treating the cause of blood in poop, it is important to identify the underlying cause and determine an appropriate course of treatment. Depending on the severity of the condition, various treatments may be used.
For minor causes, such as hemorrhoids or an anal fissure, lifestyle modifications and topical creams may be sufficient. Increasing dietary fiber intake and drinking more fluids help to reduce constipation and alleviate hemorrhoidal symptoms. Topical creams may also relieve inflamed areas by decreasing swelling and reducing itching or pain.
More drastic treatments may be necessary if the cause is more serious, such as inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal cancer.
Surgery may be recommended to relieve an obstruction or remove a tumor from the colon or rectum. Medication may also be prescribed to reduce inflammation or treat an infection associated with the blood in the poop.
Although conventional treatments are typically effective for managing blood in the poop, alternative therapies have also been described. These include nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, stress management techniques, and probiotics to promote a healthy digestive system.
Supporters of these treatments often point out how they can target both primary and secondary symptoms associated with bleeding disorders. Still, it is crucial to speak with your doctor before trying any non-conventional treatments so that you can ensure they will not conflict with other medical treatments you may already be receiving.
Once treatment has been completed and symptoms have been relieved, you must continue monitored follow-up care with your doctor, especially if you were diagnosed with a more severe disorder like colorectal cancer. Regular physicals and checkups throughout this period can ensure proper long-term care and help prevent future complications.
Precautions can be taken to reduce the risk factors associated with blood in the poop and protect against further damage or the development of new symptoms. In the next section, we’ll discuss specific prevention measures for blood in the poop.
Prevention Measures for Blood in Poop
Preventing blood in poop depends heavily upon the underlying cause. Leading a healthy lifestyle is the best way to avoid any health issues.
Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can strengthen the body’s resistance to disease and help it recover faster. These measures ensure that all bodily organs and systems function effectively and aid in digestion, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, specific steps can be taken depending on prevention goals, individual risk factors, or known causes of blood in the poop. A high-fiber diet is one potential form of prevention, as dietary fiber promotes digestive health and nutrition absorption.
Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts provide abundant beneficial nutrients and vitamins essential for digestive system maintenance. Fibrous supplements like Metamucil can also be added to one’s daily diet.
Limit processed meats, fried foods, alcohol consumption, tobacco products, and caffeine when possible, as these substances can harm the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
One particular type of food to be aware of is cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. While these vegetables are full of nutritional value and should not be avoided entirely. Anyone with an increased risk of bloody poops should eat them in moderation.
In some cases, one may also opt to take preventive screenings and medications a doctor provides. For example, those who believe they may be at a higher risk due to past medical conditions or family history may wish to take yearly preventative tests to monitor and reduce the future risk of colon cancer.
BeScreened offers one of the only annual screening tests on the market, with an accuracy rate of 94%. If you are ready to start screening for colon cancer, click the button below to buy the BeScreened Colon Cancer testing kit or recommend it to your doctor. BeScreened colon cancer testing is available at all Any lab test now locations.
It is important to note that preventing blood in poop does not guarantee that one will never experience issues such as rectal bleeding or anemia; instead, it provides tools for improving overall health which can reduce chances for morbidity caused by GI disorders.
Healthy lifestyle habits combined with consistent doctor visits for periodic checkups could mean the difference between managing symptoms from home or needing hospital care.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Where to Get Tested For Colon Cancer?
Getting tested for colon cancer is made easy with BeScreened’s blood-based screening kits. These tests identify markers in the blood that can indicate if colon cancer is present. This blood test can be ordered online or taken at an annual doctor’s visit.
Getting screened for colon cancer has never been easier!
Are there any lifestyle changes that can help prevent the occurrence of blood in poop in adults?
Yes, some lifestyle changes can help prevent the occurrence of blood in poop in adults. These include eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fiber to keep the digestive system operating properly and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Regular exercise can also help to promote good overall health and prevent some common causes of blood in the poop.
Additionally, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is important for reducing the risk of conditions such as hemorrhoids or ulcers that can contribute to bleeding.
Are there any symptoms associated with blood in poop in adults?
Yes, there are several symptoms associated with blood in poop in adults. These can range in severity, including abdominal pain or cramping, diarrhea, constipation, changes in bowel habits, and weight loss.
In some cases, a person may experience fatigue or other general malaise. If rectal bleeding is particularly severe, a person may have tarry or black poops, indicating the presence of digested blood.
It’s important to note that the presence of any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that blood in poop is present – but it does warrant further investigation by a medical professional.
Are there any tests used to diagnose the cause of blood in poop in adults?
Yes, several tests can be used to diagnose the cause of blood in poop in adults. This includes a physical exam and medical history, tests for anemia or infections, endoscopy, colonoscopy, CT scans, and poop samples to look for specific bacteria or parasites. A doctor might also recommend imaging tests if they suspect internal bleeding or abdominal issues.
The most common test used to diagnose the cause of blood in poop is an endoscopy, which involves inserting a camera into the body to examine the digestive system. During a colonoscopy, a thin camera attached to a tube is inserted into the rectum; this allows doctors to view potential sources of bleeding, such as polyps or ulcers.
Additionally, CT scans may help locate abscesses or tumors inside the body. Poop samples may be tested for occult blood and various bacterial or parasite infections.
Finally, blood tests can check for anemia which might indicate long-term bleeding from gastrointestinal structures.
Ultimately, further testing will depend on what your doctor finds during their initial evaluation and assessment of your symptoms and conditions.
Are there any treatments available for blood in poop in adults?
Yes, there are treatments available for blood in poop in adults. Depending on the underlying cause of the condition, treatment may include dietary and lifestyle modifications, such as increasing fiber intake and exercising more. In cases where a medication or vitamin deficiency is causing bloody poops, a doctor may prescribe the appropriate medication or supplement.
Additionally, certain medications and supplements can be beneficial in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract which could reduce bleeding from the rectum. Surgery to remove tumors or other sources of bleeding may also be an option.
Lastly, probiotics and natural supplements have been found to help restore balance in the intestinal flora, which could improve gut health and reduce symptoms of bloody poops.
What are the potential causes of blood in poop in adults?
Blood in adults poop can have many potential causes, ranging from minor to life-threatening. Some of the most common reasons include the following:
1. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are conditions characterized by digestive tract inflammation. This may lead to bleeding as ulcers form.
2. Diverticulitis: Occurs when small pouches in the colon become inflamed or infected, which can cause bleeding.
3. Hemorrhoids: Swelling or inflammation of veins around the rectum can cause anal bleeding, known as hemorrhoids.
4. Polyps: The growth of polyps in the colon can sometimes bleed, though this is usually not serious.
5. Food Intolerance: Eating too much of certain foods or food allergens can irritate the lining of the intestines, causing bleeding.
6. Infectious Diseases: Certain bacterial infections, such as salmonella, can cause bleeding inside the large intestine.
7. Cancer: In some cases, rectum or colon cancer can cause blood in the poop.
It is important to note that any sudden and unexplained blood in your poop should be evaluated immediately by a doctor or healthcare professional to rule out more serious causes.